Visit by Pilgrims from West Malaysia- Klang District Churches
Visit by Pilgrims from West Malaysia- Klang District Churches
A group of 89 pilgrims from the Klang District Churches visited the Home on the 5th September 2016 Monday at 9.15 a.m. to 10.00a.m. The group comprised of various races namely the Chinese, Indians and others. During their visit they had an open heart interaction with our residents. They presented songs, dances and held comedian acts as entertainment for our residents.
The Leader of 89 pilgrims Mr. Peter Chan remarked: “We come with hearts of love and joy to share fellowship and make them open up to smile and dance. This is the little we can offer “.
He also commented on the Home as a well-run home, clean and comfortable. Compliments to Sister Regina and the staff. “Please keep up the good work and may our Lord bless you all abundantly with good health and strength to persevere “.