Sarawak Cheshire Home ("the Home") is a charitable and non-profit organization which was registered as a society on 12th August 1966. The Home was established after the visit by Group Captain Leonard Cheshire to Kuching in May 1966. The building of the Home is situated at Ong Tiang Swee Road, about 4 kilometers from the centre of the City of Kuching, Sarawak. The first 4 residents of the Home were admitted on 11 August 1969. On 1 November 1969, the Home was officially declared open by the then Governor of Sarawak. The main objectives of the Home are to provide residential care, general nursing care and medical attention, training, guidance and rehabilitation for persons with disabilities and those who are chronically ill who have limited means and resources, regardless of sex, race or creed. The affairs of the Home are managed by members of the Executive Committee who are all volunteers and are elected every 2 years. The current President of the Home is Dato Sri Ang Lai Soon. The day to day administration and running of the Home is being carried out by 24 paid staff under the charge of Assistant Matron. The Home provides the following facilities and services for its disabled residents: • Basic nursing care and medical treatment • Physiotherapy activities, including daily exercise and other aids such as swimming in hydrotherapy pool, to assist in their physical development • Occupational therapy activities such as basket weaving, toy making, bead works, sewing, drawing and painting, basic reading and writing skills • Social and recreational activities, including social gatherings, parties during festive occasions, games, watching movie • Assistance in education and vocational training • Transport for working adults and for students to schools • Training and guidance in daily and independent living skills for disabled persons Presently the Home has 62 residents (including several on day care) consisting of people of various races from different parts of Sarawak, most of whom are physically and mentally disabled (40 on wheelchairs, 13 able to walk, 2 able to crawl, and 7 are bedridden). Application for admission to the Home is screened by the Medical Sub-Committee. Our policy is to give preference to those who are physically disabled, aged 5 years and above and who do not need total nursing care and will benefit from admission to the Home. The cost of running a residential care institution such as the Sarawak Cheshire Home is quite expensive. Fortunately, since its establishment in November 1969, the Home has been receiving substantial grants from our State and Federal Governments, and these together with donations (cash and in kind) and strong support from corporate sectors and members of general public, have enabled the Home to continue to operate and provide residential care and other needed services to our disabled or chronically sick residents. For this reason, we put on record our sincere appreciation for your generous donations and we look forward to your continued support. Further information- please contact the Sarawak Cheshire Home’s Office Tel. No. 082-429410 or Fax 082-429411. Address: Jalan Ong Tiang Swee, 93200, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia